Zip InLine ES Instantaneous Water Heaters
Zip Inline instantaneous water heaters are designed to provide hot water to individual outlets for hand-washing. They are used most frequently in lots of residential and commercial buildings where space is restricted.
The Zip inline water heater is designed to use the bare-wire heating method. This is highly energy efficient and automatically heats water as it moves through the units. This helps prevent wasted energy while the unit is in standby mode.
Zip InLine Electronic Water Heaters have a standard outlet temperature of 38°C. However, during the installation process, the water heater can be adjusted to anywhere between 30°c and 45°c. This type of heater is intended to be connected directly to the main water supply. They also need to be installed within a frost-free environment. For best results, we recommend positioning them next to the outlet to prevent heat loss.
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ZIP InLine ES Range
The ZIP InLine EC3 range includes models EC1 (with a standard set flow rate of 1.5 l/min), EC2 (2.4 l/min) and EC3 (3l/min). All three models share common features such as sophisticated electronics that adapt power application to compensate for variations in inlet pressure and temperature; safe operation without the need for a thermostatic blending valve and double pole thermal cut-out protection.
In terms of installation, these units thrive in a frost-free environment, complying with IP24 standards and suitable for Zone 1 installations. For optimal performance, it's essential to use the special tap nozzle supplied with the unit, specifically designed for M22/24 taps. To minimise heat loss, placing the unit as close as possible to the outlet is recommended.