
Fusebox Twin RCD Consumer Units  

Fusebox Dual RCD FLEX consumer units offer flexible solutions for the majority of electrical installations.

The Dual RCD Flex version can be configured with up to 2 unprotected high integrity ways on the main switch. The busbar can be cut to suit the split required ensuring the loads are shared evenly across the 2x 80A 30mA RCDs.

Fusebox Twin RCD Consumer Units: Redefining Electrical Safety

Fusebox Twin RCD Consumer Units, equipped with dual Residual Current Devices (RCDs), showcase an unwavering commitment to safeguarding homes against electrical faults, ensuring both functionality and peace of mind for homeowners. With the inclusion of dual RCDs, these units offer an extra layer of protection, enhancing the overall safety net for connected circuits and appliances.

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The dual RCD setup provides comprehensive defence across multiple circuits within a property. This ensures that in the event of a fault in one circuit, the other circuits remain unaffected, allowing for continued operation and minimising disruptions. This level of granularity in protection caters to the diverse electrical needs of modern households.

Fusebox's commitment to forward-thinking solutions is evident in the design of their Twin RCD Consumer Units. As electrical demands evolve and homes become smarter, these units offer a future-ready infrastructure that can adapt to emerging technologies, ensuring sustained reliability and safety.